Sunday, March 20, 2016

Review: You're Already Amazing LifeGrowth Guide by Holley Gerth

5 Stars!!!
This is such an absolutely amazing, life changing book! Even though this is only the second book of Holley Gerth's that I have read, I am completely in love with her books! They are always humorous and fun, while simultaneously being incredibly deep and meaningful. So many times during this book I found myself smiling at numerous quotes that were the exact words I needed to hear at that moment in time!!! I loved how interactive this guide is and even though I haven't read and don't currently have a copy of You're Already Amazing, I found that I was able to follow along just fine without it, I also ended up being swamped with review books so I had to speed read this one, but my goal for the next couple of months is to do all six sessions over a few weeks time the way they were meant to be done. One thing that I loved was that this book truly does apply to women of all ages, and the session on relationships focuses on all the relationships in our lives not just marriages (In fact, I don't think marriages were actually touched on at all!) This really stood out to me because as a single twenty-something, I find it very difficult to find non-fiction books that fit where I'm at in life right now, it seems like most of them are written either for teen girls or women who are married and in many cases have kids, which is excellent but I always ended feeling left out, so I was absolutely ecstatic to find a book that applies to me and that I could relate to right at this moment in my life! I just loved this book so much, like I said before I don't read much non-fiction but if it has Holley Gerth's name on the cover then I will read it, she is probably the only non-fiction author that I will read by choice!!! In my opinion this is so much more than a book, it is a treasure that can be kept for your entire life, and re-read any time you forget who you are and that You're Already Amazing!
Every woman should read this book!

I was honored to receive a review copy of this amazing book from Revell publishers in exchange for my honest review! 

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