5 Stars!!!
This is such a wonderful debut! I was sucked into the story from the first page on and I know that I will continue to think about this story and these characters for a long time to come! In recent years I have discovered that I really like time-split fiction, I love the historical story entwined with what is usually a contemporary story and I especially love seeing how the different characters' stories connect! I was equally captivated by both Liberty and Anaya's stories, at times I wanted to reach through the pages and give them both comforting hugs, there were also times that both their stories nearly brought me to tears, as well as times that I got frustrated with things they did, but what I loved so much was that this book made me feel their emotions, something that only great writing is able to do! I was completely swept away by this book and felt like I was really there. I felt that there was a perfect balance between the historical and present day stories in this book! And I absolutely loved the way the stories intertwined! This book spoke to my heart in so many ways, the message that our strength can only be found in Jesus was exactly what I needed to hear, and I absolutely adored the symbolism as well as the whole story of the ring in this book!
This book is told in first person point of view alternating between Liberty and Anaya's perspectives, each chapter was prefaced with the name of the character whose head we were in, but I was so impressed with the wonderful job that Heidi did of giving each character their own unique voice, I never even for a second got confused about whose perspective I was reading at any given time, amazing job, Heidi!
Freedom's Ring is a compelling, captivating and utterly riveting book, I read it in under 48 hours because I hated to put it down!
I loved everything about Freedom's Ring and am so thrilled that I got to read it, I definitely plan on rereading it! I can't wait to read more of this author's work in the future!
I highly recommend Freedom's Ring, Heidi Chiavaroli is most definitely a rising star in the world of Christian fiction and I look forward to watching her shine!
I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher to help promote it. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.