Saturday, December 2, 2017

Review: Lady Jayne Disappears by Joanna Davidson Politano

4 Stars!
This was an absolutely lovely debut novel. I loved the story within a story approach, so cool and so perfect for this book! As a writer myself I always love books where the main character is a writer and this one was no exception, I found myself relating to Aurelie in so many ways! I loved both Silas and Aurelie, they were perfect for each other and I immensely enjoyed watching their romance develop. I also especially loved side character Nelle, I am so hoping that perhaps she will get a story of her own someday! 
I really liked the mystery of what happened to Lady Jayne, it added wonderful intrigue to the story and culminated in a very satisfying ending. This book is told primarily in first person POV from Aurelie's perspective, first person tends to be less popular with a lot of people, but I personally adore first person and I felt that it was the perfect choice for this novel. 
The faith thread in this book was excellently done, and was perhaps my favorite part of the story! 
Overall, Lady Jayne Disappears was an engaging, delightful, well written, entertaining, and inspiring debut novel which I feel blessed to have read, and highly recommend! 

I received this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Review: Vanishing Point by Lisa Harris

3.5 Stars!
This is the seventh of Lisa Harris's novels that I've read. I have been hooked on the Nikki Boyd Files series since the start of book one and have been eagerly awaiting the revelation of what really happened to Nikki's sister Sarah! So needless to say Vanishing Point was one of the books I was most anticipating in 2017. 
Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say that Vanishing Point just fell flat for me and left me feeling quite disappointed. I liked the main characters Garrett and Jordan, I felt for them and all the tough things they faced in life, but I never really connected to them and I don't really know why. The story was good, definitely a page turner and I read it in less than two days, but it seemed that up until the last fifty or seventy five pages or so this book seemed to be lacking the edge-of-your-seat suspense and action that usually fills this author's books. I really liked the unique way this story was told, meaning all the large jumps forward in time, I had been wondering how that would work and I think the author pulled it off beautifully! 
The writing often felt flat and a tad bit disjointed and unfinished to me, which made the book somewhat difficult to read at times and made me a bit sad because I know the amazing writing this author is capable of, as a writer myself I know firsthand that "All writing is rewriting"  and I kind of wish this book had gone through a few more edits to really make it shine! 
I love that we got to see Nikki and Tyler and got updated on their lives, but at the same time as that made me really happy I was also very disappointed and a bit let down by the ending.
I highly recommend the three previous books in the Nikki Boyd series. And I do recommend Vanishing Point, even though it didn't become a favorite for me I am sure lots of people will absolutely love it and review it so please don't judge it just on my review. 
I am looking forward to reading more of Lisa Harris's books and I am hoping to reread the first three Nikki Boyd books sometime in the future! 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Review: Returning Home by Toni Shiloh

5 Stars! 
Yet another fabulous read by Toni Shiloh! I loved both Jo and Evan and it was a such a joy to watch their relationship come about, as well as see their faith in God strengthen. Speaking of which, the faith story is always my favorite part of Toni's books and this one was no exception. The awesomeness of this story's faith thread left me in awe of Toni's amazing writing and was just exactly what my heart needed to hear right now! I loved the town of Freedom Lake and look forward to visiting again. I was in a bit of a reading slump when I read this (not at all the book's fault, I just was having a hard time focusing on reading!) so I read it a little time, which was perfect as it gave me time to savor the awesomeness that is Returning Home. I was so emotionally invested and hated to see the story end. I highly recommend Returning Home and can't wait to read the next book in the series! 

I received this book from the author. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Top Five Book Boyfriends!

Top Five Book Boyfriends I "met" so far this year!

Peter from A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White

John from True To You by Becky Wade

Amos from Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer

Ryland from A Noble Masquerade by Kristi Ann Hunter

Bear from All This Time by Melissa Tagg (No, I haven't read All This Time yet and yes, I may very well put off doing so for a bit because I don't want to say goodbye to the Walker family, but I have always loved Bear so I know without a doubt that he will make me totally swoon when I do read his and Raegan's story, so I am including him in this list!😍)

Review: Blind Spot by Dani Pettrey

5 Stars!
Dani Pettrey is at the top of my list of all time favorite authors, and I was so anticipating this book, so needless to say I was ecstatic to receive an ARC copy of Blind Spot! 
Blind Spot was absolutely phenomenal! I loved every single minute I spent among its pages! I already knew Declan and Tanner from the two previous books of course, but it was so awesome to finally get inside their heads as well as getting their love story, and I've just gotta say I totally did not see Tanner's backstory coming at all, I loved that though because it gave such insight into her heart and who she is as a character! I loved getting to know Declan better, he was such an awesome hero and I was very glad that for once he managed to get through a whole book without a hospital stay! LOL! But seriously, I was really starting to think maybe it would be best if he was put on desk duty (at least for a while) since he couldn't seem to manage not getting himself seriously hurt! :) 
The suspense was crazy good, each new development bringing me ever closer to the edge of my seat! I loved that Blind Spot continues a plot thread from the previous book, though the cliffhanger ending left me on pins and needles waiting for the next book! Dani Pettrey's tag line is Up All Night Suspense and I can't think of a better way to describe her books, they are guaranteed to keep you up all night reading! 
Blind Spot blew me away with its amazingness, I hated to see it end and I cannot wait for the next book, I so hope we get to see this group of characters (all of whom have become dear friends to me) catch the person who murdered Griffin's sister Jenna! 
I highly recommend Blind Spot! If you enjoy Christian romantic suspense books you need to read Dani Pettrey! 

I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher to help promote it. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Review: Justice Buried by Patricia Bradley

5 Stars! 
Patricia Bradley is one of my favorite romantic suspense authors and this book confirmed yet again why she has a permanent spot on my list of favorite authors! I have been looking forward to Brad's story since meeting him in Justice Delayed, and I was immediately hooked on this story from the first page, I think actually the first sentence! Brad was every bit as fabulous a hero as I knew he would be! I really liked Kelsey and felt like she was a perfect match for Brad, I liked how she was the perfect mix of sweet and tough and that she was independent but not so much that she put her safety at risk just to prove a point (which it seems like romantic suspense heroines sometimes do) 
The plot in this story was very unique, I thought it was so cool how it was set at the real Pink Palace Museum (I even found myself googling photos of it because I was so curious to see what it looked like) usually the locations in novels are mostly fictional so it's always super cool when you can see the exact place that the characters are in the story, and I loved that! 
The suspense in this book was great and built to an absolutely fabulous climax! I absolutely loved everything about this book and can't wait to read the next in the series, I have my fingers crossed that David and Maggie will be the stars of one of the stories in this series (I still want to know how you get Maggie from Madeline!) LOL! 
Highly recommend! I think this one can stand alone if you haven't read Justice Delayed but they are both so awesome that you should grab yourself copies ASAP! 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Review: Bringing Maggie Home by Kim Vogel Sawyer

5 Stars!
Fair warning: this book has left me so happy and joyfully speechless that there is no possible way this review will come anywhere even close to doing this incredible book justice! 
This is my first time reading a book by Kim Vogel Sawyer and I can tell you right now that it will not be my last! I adored this book from page one on, it is a very deep and emotional read, my emotions were invested in this story from the get go! It isn't often that I read a book where I find myself thinking about the characters even when I'm not reading, this is exactly what happened to me while reading Bringing Maggie Home! I did not want to put it down because I just had to see what would happen next! I love that this story features three generations of Deford family women, I loved getting all three of their stories, I think I related a little more to Meghan probably just because of my age but all three of their stories touched my heart and won't let go! The way God used all the decades of hurt in this family to bring His plan for them to fruition will bring tears to your eyes, it left me with an even deeper sense of awe at how amazing our God is! I don't think it would be possible to read this story and not be moved and changed by it, this book touched my heart in more ways than I can even begin to express, and it challenged and strengthened my faith, something only the very best books can do! There was not a moment of this book that I didn't absolutely love, it's not often that I feel a novel was too short but in this case I did simply because I did not want to say goodbye to these characters, I have my fingers crossed that there will someday be a sequel! 
It is not possible to put into words just how amazing this book is, but just know that this one is a must read and I anticipate reading it many times in the future, it's that good!
Highly recommend, everyone should read this one!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Review: Crisis Shot by Janice Cantore

3.5 Stars!
This is the fourth book by this author that I've read and I enjoyed it!
I liked main character Tess very much, and the message of trusting God and supporting law enforcement was powerful, and be sure to read the author's note at the back of the book! 
This book definitely held my attention though I didn't enjoy it as much as some of this author's other books as I felt that in my opinion this one didn't have as much suspense throughout as I'm used to from this author's books, I loved the ending and the pace of the last fifty pages or so was so crazy that the pages just seemed to fly, which I loved! 
I loved that Crisis Shot was set in a small town. I loved the dog in this one as well as Tess and several of the secondary characters, so I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book of the series. 
Overall, while Crisis Shot did not become a favorite I still enjoyed it and highly recommend it! 

I received this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Review: An Inconvenient Beauty by Kristi Ann Hunter

5 Stars!
I read the prequel novella to this series a while back and really enjoyed it, but was too swamped with other books to read the rest of the series as it released, but I did finally read the first book in the series A Noble Masquerade earlier this year and I absolutely loved every second of it and knew I wanted to read Griffith's story when it released!
I was so looking forward to getting to know Griffith better, it was so great to get inside his head, he was every bit the amazing hero I knew he would be and I loved him from page one on! I also instantly liked Isabella and found myself relating to her love for nature and her family, and it was just so awesome to watch her and Griffith fall in love! 
I am well aware that this is book four in the series and that I have not yet read books two and three, but I did not have any trouble reading this one so I would definitely say that An Inconvenient Beauty stands alone very well too! 
I seriously loved this book SO much, from the very beginning I was hooked and hated to set my kindle down! I am not in general a huge fan of regency era stories, but the fantastic historical detail in Kristi's writing makes me feel like I am really there, I love that I am able to escape from the world for a while and completely immerse myself in the world of these characters who feel like dear friends to me! 
I'm afraid I'll end up giving something away so I'll just say that I absolutely loved every single moment of this book and am so looking forward to reading more of Kristi Ann Hunter's work! 

I received this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Review: The Two of Us by Victoria Bylin

5 Stars!
This is the third of Victoria Bylin's books I've read and I loved every single moment! I was drawn in from the first sentence and hated to put the book down until I had finished it! I loved Mia and Jake (and Lucy and Sam too!) they were such great main characters, I found myself relating to them both in many ways. The faith thread of learning to trust and that when God opens up two completely different doors in your life how do you know which one to choose, resonated with me so deeply, it was exactly what I needed to hear! I also loved Jake's parents Claire and Frank, their story will bring tears to your eyes at times, but I was so moved by this amazingly inspiring couple! I don't want to risk spoiling anything so I will just say that I adored every single minute of The Two of Us and I highly recommend it.
The Two of Us is one of the best contemporary romances I've read this year and I cannot wait to read Victoria Bylin's next book! 

I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher to help promote it. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Review: A Spring of Weddings by Toni Shiloh and Melissa Wardwell

4 Stars!
A Proxy Wedding by Toni Shiloh-
I loved everything about this story. The characters were awesome. The road trip they went on was so fun, I especially loved all the great pins on Toni's Pinterest board for this book, it totally made me feel that I was taking the trip right alongside them! I have seen proxy weddings in books before, but it was always only party that had a proxy, not both. So the idea of a double proxy wedding was something I found fascinating! Toni did a fabulous job writing this story and I look forward to rereading it in the future! (5 Stars)

Hope Beyond Savannah by Melissa Wardwell-
I enjoyed this story. I loved both Nik and Lily, and it was neat (and made for a nice change of pace) to read a story where the characters are already engaged and planning their wedding at the very start of the story! I was fascinated by the details and history of Nik's culture, especially since it's a culture that I know very little about, I loved that those details were included! I related to Lily quite a bit. I couldn't believe some of the things that Nik's mom said and did to Lily! While I was glad that she ultimately did change her tune, it didn't really seem plausible to me how quickly she became nice, I realize that as this is a novella the word count was limited, but I found myself thinking that I wouldn't have trusted her when she made such a complete one eighty. 
This is a really good novella that I enjoyed and will probably read again at some point. I also really liked Melissa Wardwell's writing style so I look forward to trying more of her work when I have time! (4 stars)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Review: Freedom's Ring by Heidi Chiavaroli

5 Stars!!!
This is such a wonderful debut! I was sucked into the story from the first page on and I know that I will continue to think about this story and these characters for a long time to come! In recent years I have discovered that I really like time-split fiction, I love the historical story entwined with what is usually a contemporary story and I especially love seeing how the different characters' stories connect! I was equally captivated by both Liberty and Anaya's stories, at times I wanted to reach through the pages and give them both comforting hugs, there were also times that both their stories nearly brought me to tears, as well as times that I got frustrated with things they did, but what I loved so much was that this book made me feel their emotions, something that only great writing is able to do! I was completely swept away by this book and felt like I was really there. I felt that there was a perfect balance between the historical and present day stories in this book! And I absolutely loved the way the stories intertwined! This book spoke to my heart in so many ways, the message that our strength can only be found in Jesus was exactly what I needed to hear, and I absolutely adored the symbolism as well as the whole story of the ring in this book!
This book is told in first person point of view alternating between Liberty and Anaya's perspectives, each chapter was prefaced with the name of the character whose head we were in, but I was so impressed with the wonderful job that Heidi did of giving each character their own unique voice, I never even for a second got confused about whose perspective I was reading at any given time, amazing job, Heidi!
Freedom's Ring is a compelling, captivating and utterly riveting book, I read it in under 48 hours because I hated to put it down! 
I loved everything about Freedom's Ring and am so thrilled that I got to read it, I definitely plan on rereading it! I can't wait to read more of this author's work in the future! 
I highly recommend Freedom's Ring, Heidi Chiavaroli is most definitely a rising star in the world of Christian fiction and I look forward to watching her shine! 

I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher to help promote it. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Review: Chasing Secrets by Lynette Eason

5 Stars!
Lynette Eason has done it yet again! I have read and enjoyed all of her books to date and Chasing Secrets was no exception! I have been waiting for Haley's story ever since first meeting her in Always Watching and I was absolutely fascinated with her story from the first page on! Haley and Steven were both such great characters, plus I absolutely loved that Haley has horses (just like me!) 
I am a big fan of back story so not only was I thrilled to finally get Haley's, hers as well as Steven's added so much depth and richness to the story! The suspense in this one was oh, so good, just as in all of Lynette's books!
I seriously can't begin to describe the total awesomeness that is this book, it was everything I had hoped for and more! 
I think Without Warning is still my personal favorite of the Elite Guardians series, but Chasing Secrets is very, very close to being tied with Without Warning as my favorite!
I absolutely loved every minute that I spent reading Chasing Secrets, these are characters that I know I will find myself thinking about for a long time! 
I highly recommend Chasing Secrets (grab yourself a copy and read it ASAP, you won't be sorry you did!) 
I cannot wait to read Lynette's next release! 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Review: A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White

4 Stars!
I loved Roseanna M. White's Culper Ring series, but hadn't had the pleasure of reading any of her books since finishing that series. When I read the description of this one, something about it drew me in! So needless to say I have been looking forward to A Name Unknown for several months, and I was not disappointed! I liked Rosemary from the very beginning and loved watching her journey. And Peter, oh my goodness, I fell in love with him instantly, he was just so amazing (definitely one of my favorite heroes of 2017!) Plus, the writer in me could totally relate to Peter's "writer's brain" moments, loved that!
I loved that the romance developed a bit more slowly than some romance novels, I felt the pace fit the story perfectly!
Like I've come to expect from this author's novels A Name Unknown had a fabulous cast of supporting characters, I very much look forward to the next book in the Shadows Over England series! 
I loved this book, and had a great time reading it! 
Such a wonderful novel that I highly recommend! 

I received an ebook copy of this book from Netgalley. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Review: Just Look Up by Courtney Walsh

2.5 Stars.
I adore this cover and I wanted to love this book, I really did but it just fell flat for me.
As a writer myself I know just how difficult it can be to strike just the right balance between telling and showing, and I am not opposed to a bit more telling than showing, but unfortunately this book just contained too much telling for my personal reading preference. I also would have preferred if there had been a lot less flashbacks, I mean they did add to the story, but I found the sheer number of flashbacks to be a bit excessive. 
My heart went out to both Lane and Ryan because of all they'd had to deal with in their lives, I liked Ryan, but for some reason I never felt like I really connected with Lane which made it hard for me to really care about her. 
Just Look Up is a beautiful story with a wonderful message, but I'm sorry to say that this book just wasn't for me. I found myself bored with it often and it never really held my attention, I could easily set it down and not feel much of a pull to pick it back up. 
I don't think that is necessarily the book's fault, I simply don't think I was in the mood to read contemporary romance at the time.
I know lots of people who have loved this book, and it is an enjoyable story, it simply wasn't for me. So please don't just take my word for it.
I loved this author's novella in the Right Where We Belong collection and I look forward to trying more of her work in the future!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. No review required. The above review is my honest opinion. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Review: A Matter of Trust by Susan May Warren

5 Stars!
This was such a fabulous addition to the Montana Rescue series! 
I loved both Gage and Ella, they were both such fabulous characters! I especially loved that Ella was from Vermont, I always love it when I find connections to my home state in books! 
I personally have zero interest in skiing, but I was surprised that the snowboarding scenes in this book completely engaged and enthralled me! 
I loved everything about this book, as evidenced by the fact that I read it in a little over 24 hours! 
A Matter of Trust contains all the elements that I have come to expect from one of Susan May Warren's books: clean knee weakening romance, adrenaline pumping action, characters that feel like family to me and a heart-touching, soul-stirring, life-changing faith story! This book, just like the whole series so far touched my heart in so many ways. I love the giddy feeling I always get when I crack open a new Susan May Warren book, and I cannot wait for Ian and Sierra's story (especially with that cliffhanger ending, Ms. Warren how can you leave us hanging like that! LOL!) thankfully I only have about six months and counting to wait!
I highly recommend A Matter of Trust, these books can probably be read as standalones but there is a plot thread that builds throughout so I think it would be best to read them in order! Besides this series is so awesome you won't want to miss out on a moment with the heroes of PEAK Rescue! 

I received an ebook copy of this book from Netgalley. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Review: Over Maya Dead Body by Sandra Orchard

5 Stars! 
I have loved this series since I read book one, needless to say I was super excited for this one! I had exceedingly high expectations for this book, and it met and surpassed every single one! I loved that so many of the loose ends that have trailed throughout the series were perfectly tied up, I also loved that there were two big developments that I had predicted since book one that I was actually right about! 
I enjoyed this book so much, I hated to set it down and even when I had to my mind still kept spinning trying to figure everything out! I love Serena as a character so much, she is just so fun and such a great main character! 
Eep, I just loved this book so much! Especially that ending, ahh pure bliss! 
I truly loved everything about this book, it will definitely have a spot on my favorite books of 2017 list and I foresee rereading Over Maya Dead Body as well as the first two books many times in the future!
I highly recommend this book, though I would recommend starting with A Fool and His Monet, I think the awesomeness of this series is best read in order! I can't wait to see what Sandra Orchard writes next!

I received an ebook copy of this book from Netgalley. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Most Anticipated Books of 2017: Vanishing Point

I can't believe I am already at the last day of this series of posts.
My final pick is...Vanishing Point by Lisa Harris

During Garrett Addison's first week on the job as a criminal investigator for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, his team is called out to a murder scene of a young girl. She's the third victim in a string of disappearances with one thing in common--a Polaroid photo of each victim left behind at the crime scene.

The FBI is pulled into the case to help, and Garrett finds himself working with Special Agent Jordan Lambert, the woman he once loved. When yet another girl dies--number six--Garrett blames himself and believes he doesn't have what it takes to be an agent. What he'll discover is that, while he may be done with the killer, the killer is not done with him--or Jordan.

Bestselling and award-winning author Lisa Harris unveils an unforgettable story of a case that has haunted the public and law enforcement for more than a decade. Fans of the Nikki Boyd Files will thrill to finally discover what actually happened to Nikki's sister, Sarah. New readers will become instant fans after devouring this chilling tale.

Why I can't wait to read it: I have loved all the books so far in this series and have been looking forward to finding out what really happened to Sarah ever since the first book! Lisa Harris is a very talented suspense author and I can't wait to read this one when it releases in November, though I am a little nervous because I really REALLY hope Sarah's story will have a happy ending! 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Most Anticipated Books of 2017: Dangerous Illusions

Today's Pick is...Dangerous Illusions by Irene Hannon

Trish Bailey is on overload trying to deal with a demanding job, an ailing mother, and a healing heart. When a series of unsettling memory lapses leads to a tragic death--and puts Trish under police scrutiny--her world is once again thrown into turmoil.

Detective Colin Flynn isn't certain what to think of the facts he uncovers during his investigation. Did Trish simply make a terrible mistake or is there more to the case than meets the eye? As he searches for answers, disturbing information begins to emerge--and if the forces at work are as evil as he suspects, the situation isn't just dangerous . . . it's deadly.

Bestselling and award-winning author Irene Hannon captures readers with a mind-bending story that will have them doubling back to retrace their steps--and figure out what they missed!

Why I can't wait to read it: I love Irene's suspense books! And this one looks like it will be amazing, plus I LOVE that cover! Can't to read this one when it releases in October!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Most Anticipated Books of 2017: Blind Spot

Today's pick is...Blind Spot by Dani Pettrey

Each of Pettrey's Novels Has Been a Multi-Month Bestseller

FBI agent Declan Grey is in the chase of his life--but isn't sure exactly what he's chasing after. Threatened by a terrorist that "the wrath is coming," Grey fears something horrible is about to be unleashed on American soil. When his investigation leads him to a closed immigrant community, he turns to Tanner Shaw to help him. She's sought justice for refugees and the hurting around the world, and if there's anyone who can help him, it's Tanner.

Tanner Shaw has joined the FBI as a crisis counselor . . . meaning she now has more opportunity to butt heads with Declan. But that tension also includes a spark she can't deny, and she's pretty sure Declan feels the same. But before anything can develop between them, they discover evidence of a terror cell--and soon are in a race against the clock to stop the coming "wrath" that could cost thousands their lives.

Why I can't wait to read it: I have adored everything Dani Pettrey had written since I read the first page of her debut novel! I am very much looking forward to Declan's story and hopefully finding out more about what Luke is up to! Can't wait to read this one when it releases in October!

Review: Crossing Boarders by Debra Sue Brice

3 Stars
As a lifelong horse person and amateur dressage rider myself I was super excited to read this book! 
I really wanted to love this book, but unfortunately, I was disappointed with it. I liked the main character Dana, but I never really felt like I got to know her very well. I really appreciated that since the author is a successful equestrian herself she got all the lingo and horse terminology right, it made me so happy to read a book like this by someone who really knows the sport and horses, though a lot of the terminology was not that well explained which may make it difficult and frustrating for readers who are not as well versed in horses and dressage as myself. 
The author does a brilliant job of describing Dana's passion for horses and the details of daily life around the barn, but I was disappointed that with the exception of one brief but excellent scene that perfectly described the magic of collection, all the rides in this book were mostly told to the reader after the fact, I had been really hoping to get into Dana's mind and experience her rides in the moment, but sadly that didn't happen. 
I was also disappointed that there were several references made in this book to a character being gay, no it wasn't a big part of the book but still, I felt it was unnecessary in a Christian fiction book. 
Overall, even with the things that bothered me this was still an entertaining and enjoyable story, I especially enjoyed the second half of Crossing Boarders (during which I hated to set the book down!)
Debra Sue Brice has definite writing talent, her love for horses and God shines through brilliantly and I would definitely try more of her work in the future. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Most Anticipated Books of 2017: All This Time

Bear McKinley’s past refuses to let go. 

Ten years ago, Bear gave up everything—his freedom and his reputation—for his mess of a family. But after years of distance and too many attempts at starting over, he finally has a new life doing noble work in Brazil . . . until his past catches up to him once again. Suddenly he finds himself back in Maple Valley, charged with the care of his missing brother’s children, convinced he’s out of second chances to make his life count. And yet, with every day that passes, these kids, this quirky town and the woman he never stopped missing help patch the holes in his heart. Maybe this is the fresh start he’s been longing for all along. But as his newfound hope grows, so does the mystery surrounding his brother’s activities—and when the threat reaches into the lives of those he loves, it’s clear he can’t run away this time.

Fear holds Raegan’s future captive. 

Raegan Walker is fine. She’s happy working a slew of part-time jobs, still living in her childhood bedroom and rarely venturing from her hometown. At least, that’s what she tells everyone . . . and herself. But she can’t help wondering what might’ve happened if she hadn’t abandoned her art so many years ago—and if Bear McKinley had never left. When Bear returns and she’s commissioned for a painting that just might revive her artistic ambition all in one week, it’s time to finally reach for more than fine. But doing so means facing the fears that have held her back all this time, including admitting the secret she’s kept from Bear and her family. With her dream and her heart on the line, how much will Raegan have to risk to finally chase her happy ending?

Why I can't wait to read it: Um, it's Melissa Tagg, 'nuff said! But, seriously this is probably the book I am most anticipating this year! It feels like I have been waiting SO long for Raegan and Bear's story, so I cannot wait to read this one when it releases in August! And by the way, isn't that cover just gorgeous?! I could seriously stare at it for hours! 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Most Anticipated Books of 2017: Chasing Secrets

Today's pick is...Chasing Secrets by Lynette Eason

Elite Guardians bodyguard Haley Callaghan may be in South Carolina, but when a photo leads investigators in West Ireland to open a twenty-five-year-old cold case, her life is suddenly in danger. Haley knows how to take care of herself; after all, she's made a career out of taking care of others. But after an uncomfortably close call, Detective Steven Rothwell takes it upon himself to stay with her--and the young client she has taken under her wing. A protector at heart, he's not about to let Haley fight this battle alone.

In a sweeping plot that takes them into long-buried memories--and the depths of the heart--Haley and Steven will have to solve the mystery of Haley's past while dodging bullets, bombs, and bad guys who just won't quit.

Why I can't wait to read it: I am a HUGE fan of Lynette Eason's books, I've read all of them to date! And I have been so looking forward to reading Haley's story! 

Review: Finding Love by Toni Shiloh

5 Stars!!!
I adored this second installment in the Maple Run series! 
I didn't like Delaney very much in the first book Buying Love, but I loved her in this book, I could relate to Delaney in so many ways, primarily that I too often allow fear rather than trust in God to rule my life! Delaney's faith journey was so real, it touched my heart and I will definitely be rereading this story in the future, I made so many kindle highlights that I can definitely see myself turning to them on the days when I need encouragement. Yes, Toni writes amazing romances, but I think perhaps my very favorite part of her books is the faith story, which is always seamlessly woven in and always makes a powerful impact in my life! 
And speaking of romance, Delaney and Luke's romance was so beautiful and amazing! And what an amazing hero Luke is, it's rare that a book hero can really make me swoon, but oh, he so did! 
I loved getting reacquainted with all the characters in Maple Run that I love so much, it was awesome to see Nina and Dwight again as well Mrs. Williams (I get such a kick out of her!) and Delaney's twin boys Preston and Philip were such a hoot. I also really liked Luke's friend Micah and am really hoping we will see him in future stories! 
Just when I think Toni's books can't possibly get any better, she blows me away yet again! I loved everything about Finding Love and it just might be my favorite Toni Shiloh book to date! 
I highly recommend Finding Love, if you are a fan of Christian contemporary romance you need to read Toni Shiloh's books, trust me you won't be sorry! 
I am eagerly anticipating Toni's next book!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher to help promote it. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Most Anticipated Books of 2017: Over Maya Dead Body

Today's pick is...Over Maya Dead Body by Sandra Orchard

FBI Special Agent Serena Jones arrives on Martha's Vineyard with her family, ready for a little bit of R&R and a whole lot of reminiscing as they celebrate the engagement of an old family friend. But crime doesn't take a vacation, and she's soon entangled in an investigation of a suspicious death tied to an antiquities smuggling ring. 
When her investigation propels her into danger, Serena must stay the course and solve this case before anyone else dies. But just how is she supposed to do that when the two men in her life arrive on the scene, bringing with them plenty of romantic complications--and even a secret or two? 
Award-winning author Sandra Orchard keeps readers guessing with this fast-paced mystery laced with romance.

Why I can't wait to read it: I have been loving this series, and I can't wait for this third (and I believe final?) installment! I am so excited to see which guy Serena will end up with! 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Most Anticipated Books of 2017: Every Deadly Kiss

I've decided to do a series of posts, one each day over the next week highlighting the books that I am most looking forward to that are releasing in the remainder of 2017

My first pick is...EVERY DEADLY KISS by Steven James

FBI special agent Patrick Bowers grapples with a baffling series of murders in Detroit—and discovers a terror plot with roots that stretch back centuries.
Called in by an ex-girlfriend to consult on a case, Patrick encounters the work of a killer who displays a stunning degree of ruthlessness. Bowers is shocked to find that the slayings are linked not just to his own history with a known terrorist, but to his former lover as well—and that her secret past might hold the key to stopping the crime spree. As layers of intrigue peel away, the city is pushed ever closer to a seemingly unstoppable bioweapon attack. 
Unnerving and laced with breathtaking suspense, Every Deadly Kiss is a surprising and complex thriller that will keep readers obsessed to the final page.

Why I can't wait to read it: Steven James is one of my all time favorite authors! I've read all of his novels to date and loved every single one. I am so excited to read this new Patrick Bowers book when it releases in July! 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Review: Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer

5 Stars!
Karen Witemeyer is one of my all time favorite authors! I've read all of her books to date and I always highly anticipate her new releases! I've been looking forward to Grace's story since first meeting her last year in No Other Will Do, and her story was just perfect! Amos was such an amazing hero, I fell for him instantly! 
I loved getting to visit again with the residents of Harper's Station, it was so cool how often we got to see Emma and Malachi, Tori and Ben, and Emma's aunts who never fail to bring a smile to my face. Hmm, now that I think about it that is a signature of all Karen's books, they never fail to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart! 
Heart on the Line was such a heartwarming, romantic, suspenseful crazy ride, it brought me to the edge of my seat and I read it from start to finish in 24 hours because I could not put it down! Seriously, all of this author's books are phenomenal and I highly recommend them! 
Heart on the Line is a perfect summer read that I absolutely loved and recommend to anyone and everyone! Seriously, go buy it, you won't be sorry! 
I can't wait for Karen Witemeyer's next release! 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. No review required. 
All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own. 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Review: The Road to Paradise by Karen Barnett

4 Stars! 
I read Karen Barnett's book, Mistaken a few years back and really enjoyed it! The Road to Paradise intrigued me from the first moment I read the description, I thought ooh, I've gotta read that! And I am thrilled to say that this book was completely delightful! Having grown up on 75+ acres of land I am a huge nature lover, so I could totally relate to Margie's love of the outdoors and her joy in seeing God's fingerprints on every bit of nature! 
It was such a great idea to write a historical series set in national parks, I have never visited any national parks, but the writing in this book was so vivid and beautifully described that I could see Mount Rainier and all its splendor as though I was really there alongside the characters! I loved the romance in this story, it was sweet and definitely stirring without overpowering the rest of the story, I felt that it was a perfect balance! 
This book drew me in from the beginning and didn't let go until I turned the final page. I loved this book and highly recommend it! It makes a perfect summer read too.
I can't wait for the next Vintage National Parks novel!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Review: Sweetbriar Cottage by Denise Hunter

3 Stars.
I've read several of Denise Hunter's novels and enjoyed them all, so I was looking forward to Sweetbriar Cottage, unfortunately I was a bit disappointed by this book. And I'm really not sure exactly why, I loved Noah and Josephine instantly, my heart went out to them and I was cheering for them throughout, but for some reason I kept feeling kind of bored with the story, and like it wasn't really holding my interest. 
This is a beautiful and powerful story of second chances and unconditional love, and it definitely had its moments that touched my heart, and in the latter half of the book there were some pretty high stakes which made the pages fly, but I'm afraid that this book just wasn't for me. Perhaps it was because I was expecting this story to rival Married til Monday as one of my all time favorite Denise Hunter books so I had set unfairly high expectations for Sweetbriar Cottage? Or perhaps it was because (at least in my personal opinion) this one is the most...I guess I would say passionate as far as the romance goes of all this author's books that I've read, this book is ultimately clean, but there were a few scenes that made me uncomfortable, which was a first for me with one of Denise's books, and while I think I understand why she made the choice to push the envelope a bit beyond what is my personal comfort zone, I must admit I was a tad disappointed by it. 
Denise Hunter is a tremendously talented author and I do genuinely love her books and look forward to reading more of her work in the future, Sweetbriar Cottage just wasn't the right fit for me personally, but I know lots of people have loved it so if it sounds like something you'd enjoy please don't take just my word for it.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review nor I was compensated in any way for my opinion. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Review: Buying Love by Toni Shiloh

5 Stars!
I've now read all three of Toni Shiloh's books that are available to date. With each new story I have loved her writing even more! Seriously, she is fast becoming one of my all time favorite authors! 
I was so looking forward to Buying Love and I am delighted to say that it exceeded every single one of my expectations!
I just loved everything about this book so, so much. Nina and Dwight are such a great couple, they complement each other perfectly. When I learned Nina's backstory my heart instantly broke for her, I found myself wanting to reach through the pages and give her a hug! Her faith journey was so touching and she was just such an inspiring character! And Dwight, whew what an awesome hero! Gotta love a hunky, kindhearted man who loves to cook! I also adored Dwight's dog Beast, he was such an awesome addition to the story. Not to mention the fabulous cast of secondary characters that I can't wait to visit with again!
I love books that are set in small towns and Maple Run instantly became a favorite! The Maple Pit was such a beyond cool restaurant, I found myself wishing it was real so I could go hang out there! 
This book made me laugh out loud numerous times, brought me nearly to tears a time or two, and left me grinning like crazy! 
I loved this book so much (as evidenced by the fact that I read it in under 24 hours!) and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series! Buying Love is a must read that will delight fans of Christian contemporary romance as well as attract new readers to the genre! 
If you love Melissa Tagg's Walker Family series you need to read Buying Love! 

Grab your own copy of Buying Love at your earliest convenience, I feel certain you will love it as much as I did!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Pre-Order Finding Love by Toni Shiloh!

I am so looking forward to this book! And when you pre-order you can get this cool free gift with purchase! Pretty sweet, huh?! :) Just copy and paste these links into your browser since I've apparently forgotten how to make them clickable! :)

Order Link:

Claim Your Gift Link:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Review: Bread of Angels by Tessa Afshar

4 Stars! 
With the exception of one short story, this book was my first foray into the world of Biblical fiction. Tessa Afshar was a new-to-me author, but since I had heard lots of good things about her books I decided to give this book a try. I very much enjoyed this book. 
I could relate to Lydia's fear of basically everything, that is a demon I struggle to overcome (sometimes daily) myself, so needless to say the message of this book was exactly what I needed! I envision opening the pages of this book many times in the future to help remind me to trust in Jesus and not to fear! 
This book was very easy to read, though it is a very emotional read and there were moments that my heart hurt for the characters!   
This book was very compelling, it held my attention throughout and I was never bored while reading it. 
While Biblical fiction is still not one of my favorite genres, I am very glad that I read Bread of Angels and I do plan to try more of Tessa Afshar's books in the future! 
Highly recommended.

I received this book from the publisher. No review required. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.