Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Love and Other Mistakes by Jessica Kate Author Q&A, Review, and Blog Tour! #LOMPrismTour

Author Q&A

Caitlyn Santi: If you could pick only one book to read for the rest of your life what book would it be?

Jessica Kate: The Hating Game. This one isn’t a Christian book and comes with an adult content warning, but it’s a really fun story. Author Sally Thorne has found a way to inject sherbet and rainbows directly into your brain in the form of one of the best love/hate stories I’ve ever encountered!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Love and Other Mistakes
By Jessica Kate
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 352 Pages
July 30th 2019 by Thomas Nelson

Jessica Kate’s hilarious, romantic debut novel proves that some mistakes—including love—are begging to be made again and again.

Natalie Groves once had big dreams. But soon after her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, inexplicably broke off their engagement and left town, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Now tasked with keeping her family afloat, Natalie’s grand plans have evaporated . . . and God feels very far away.

Fast-forward seven years, and Jeremy is back in Charlottesville with an infant son and years of regrets. When his niece, Lili, lands on his doorstep in need of a place to stay, Jeremy needs help—and fast.

An internship opening finally presents Natalie a chance at her dream job, but she needs a second income to work around it—and the only offer available is Jeremy’s. They could be the solutions to one another’s problems, provided they don’t kill each other in the process. When they join forces, sparks fly. But they both know there’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and that love will turn out to be the best decision—or the biggest mistake—of all.

Praise for the Book

“A stunning debut . . . This tale of love and redemption will stay with you long after you've closed the book. A must-read.” —Rachel Hauck, New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress

“Witty. Charming. Heartfelt. I could go on and on about Jessica Kate’s debut novel. From its highly relatable characters to its pitch-perfect dialogue, Love and Other Mistakes is a delightful, romantic read filled with just the right amount of sass. I lost count of the number of times I laughed out loud as I watched Natalie and Jem navigate their relationships, careers, and faith. Definitely one of the most enjoyable books I've read lately, and I can't wait to see what’s next from Jessica Kate!” —Melissa Tagg, Carol Award–winning author of Now and Then and Always and the Walker Family series

Love and Other Mistakes wraps a poignant and warm look at relationships within a smart, sly, and knowing comedic voice. Readers of Sally Thorne and Bethany Turner will be immediately at home with Natalie: an all-too-real heroine who balances whip-smart agency with an endearing vulnerability and whose intersection with long-lost Jeremy helps her forge a path to confidence and discover the woman she was always meant to be. Kate’s unputdownable debut recognizes that all human relationships—familial, friendship, romantic—are worth the keen eye and clever insight of her talented pen.” —Rachel McMillan, author of the Van Buren and DeLuca Mysteries

“If you’re looking for a story with sass on top of style, or a fresh voice pumped full of fun, you need to read Love and Other Mistakes. Then after you’ve enjoyed this—and I’m confident you will—make a date with whatever this exciting new author writes next!” —David Rawlings, author of The Baggage Handler

About the Author

Australian author Jessica Kate is obsessed with sassy romances. 

She packs her novels with love, hate, and everything in between—and then nerds out over her favorite books, movies and TV in the StoryNerds podcast. When she’s not writing or discussing fiction, she’s hunting the world for the greatest pasta in existence.

Her debut novel Love and Other Mistakes releases July 2019, while A Girl’s Guide to the Outback hits shelves in January 2020.

Receive her sassy short The Kiss Dare FREE when you sign up for her newsletter at StoryNerds podcast is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and at

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My Thoughts:

3 Stars, I liked it.
This was a good debut novel! I loved the author's writing style and voice!
I was really looking forward to this book, but unfortunately it kind of fell flat for me. The tone and story turned out to be a lot more serious than I was expecting, which isn't a bad thing it just wasn't really the super fun escape of a read that I was anticipating. I liked the characters (especially Jem, after all who can resist an adorable single dad raising his super sweet baby son?!) but for some reason I never really connected with them or felt like I got to know them on a deeper level, and when I would set the book down I didn't really feel much of a pull to return to it.
I don't often remember quotes or make note of them, but this one really stood out to me and touched my heart. "The truth is you are far more than a job, a ministry, or even a calling. You are a person created and saved by God, no matter what your job is or what you do in life."
Overall, this is a good story. I think it just wasn't for me, but if this book interests you I recommend you give it a try because it might be just the right fit for you! 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.