Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Review: The Killing Tide by Dani Pettrey

5 Stars!!!
Oh my stars! I am speechless in the best way, how do I even begin to find the words to say how much I loved this book?! This was my most anticipated read of 2019 and I am absolutely delighted to say that it exceeded all my expectations! 
In my opinion Dani Pettrey just blasted her own already sky-high bar somewhere into outer space!
I loved Gabby and Finn instantly, as well as the rest of the CGIS team, and I can't wait to hang out with them all again! As I have come to expect from Dani's books the suspense in The Killing Tide was top notch, and more times than I can count it got my adrenaline pumping like mad as I breathlessly perched on the edge of my seat! 
The Killing Tide totally and completely sucked me into its vortex of spellbinding amazingness on page one and would not let go, which delighted me to no end! 
I loved, loved, LOVED this book and read it in about 24 hours because I could not stop turning pages!
I could seriously go on gushing for days about how amazing this book is and how much I loved it! 
My only complaint is having to wait for the next book in the Coastal Guardians series, but I can be patient because I know it will be well worth the wait! 
The Killing Tide is an absolute must read for fans of Christian romantic suspense! Seriously, go buy it RIGHT NOW! You can thank me later! ;)
This book without question has a permanent spot on my keeper shelf, and it is in my top 5 favorite reads of the year! 
I wish I could give The Killing Tide more than five stars, because if I could I'd give it as many stars as there are drops of water in the ocean or grains of sand on the beach, that's right: innumerable, and it truly deserves each and every one! 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Review: The King's Mercy by Lori Benton

4.5 Stars!
For years now I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Lori Benton's books, but I had never gotten around to reading any of them. Needless to say I jumped at the chance to request a review copy of The King's Mercy, and I can wholeheartedly say that though this was my first Lori Benton book, it will definitely not be my last!
I will admit that it took me awhile to really get into this book, and due to other review commitments it took me much longer to read this book than it normally does, but this proved to be a good thing because it gave me the time to savor the beauty and magnitude of this story and the author's amazing writing, and I wound up enjoying the book all the more because of it! This is an excellent book that truly swept me away to another time and place, which is exactly what I want in a historical novel! This book is awesome, it gave me all the feels and I will definitely be thinking about these characters for a long time to come! 
I highly recommend The King's Mercy, I am SOOOO glad that I read it, and I am really looking forward to diving into Lori Benton's backlist titles! 

I received an ARC copy of this book from the publisher, which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Review: The String by Caleb Breakey

5 Stars!
Wowzer! What an unputdownable thrill ride! 
I always love to try out an author's debut novel, though of course I'm never quite sure what to expect, but I was instantly intrigued by the description of this one and jumped at the chance to request a review copy. And I am SOOOO glad I did! By the time I finished chapter 2 I knew I was going to love this book, and love it I did! Markus, the main character was fantastic, I loved his protectiveness and strong desire to help people, he was also so sweet with his girlfriend's daughters, definitely daddy material! This book totally had me on the edge of my seat and kept me flipping pages at lightning speed, which I loved! I also loved that there was even a tad bit of romance in this story, as well as a pinch of humor at just the right moments. I especially loved the last chapter! 
If you, like me, are a fan of Steven James then this is one intense thriller in a similar vein that you'll devour and will leave you begging for more books from Caleb Breakey.
I loved everything about this book and could not stop reading! The String is the best thriller I've read in a long time and I am eagerly anticipating this author's next book! 
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK! But, you might not want to read it at night or when you're home alone! ;)

I received a copy of this book from the publisher which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Identity Theft by Alana Terry Review & Giveaway!

About the Book

Book: Identity Theft

Author: Alana Terry

Genre: Christian fiction, mystery/suspense

Release date: March 15, 2019

She imagined Alaska would be the perfect place to hide. She found out it’s the most dangerous place to be found …
Lacy has a secret. A secret nobody knows — not even her fiancé.
A secret that would cost her life … and so much more.
So it’s a good thing she’s tucked away in the very heart of rural Alaska, where for once in her life she is finally safe.
But can she stay that way for long?
Suspenseful, thrilling, and impossible to put down, Identity Theft is an unforgettable novel by bestselling Christian author Alana Terry.

Buy your copy today … but be prepared to stay up late!

About the Author

Alana is a pastor’s wife, homeschooling mom, self-diagnosed chicken lady, and Christian suspense author. Her novels have won awards from Women of Faith, Book Club Network, Grace Awards, Readers’ Favorite, and more. Alana’s passion for social justice, human rights, and religious freedom shines through her writing, and her books are known for raising tough questions without preaching. She and her family live in rural Alaska where the northern lights in the winter and midnight sun in the summer make hauling water, surviving the annual mosquito apocalypse, and cleaning goat stalls in negative forty degrees worth every second.

More from Alana

What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think about Alaska? Are you a city soul or do you prefer the country? I’m pretty happy in small-town Alaska, but I’m afraid that wasn’t always the case.

Have you ever lived in a town with 400 residents? Even with all the wide-open spaces, it’s enough to make some personalities feel claustrophobic.

I thought of our move to rural living as our big adventure. (Because what’s more adventurous than feeding chickens and milking goats at negative 40 degrees?) Then I read my first draft of Identity Theft and realized the adjustment wasn’t going as smoothly as I hoped. It was more autobiographical than I had realized!

However, I learned to love rural Alaska, and that’s the main reason I wanted to write my Alaskan Refuge Christian Suspense Novel series – so I could share some of my favorite parts with you.

Identity Theft is the first of three stand-alone novels, all filled with adventure, suspense and thrills, and all set against the backdrop of Alaska. I hope as you settle in to read, you will begin to experience a little of what I’ve grown to love living in this spectacular state.

Blog Stops

Genesis 5020, July 25
EmpowerMoms, July 25
Splashes of Joy, July 28
The Becca Files, July 30
Quiet Quilter, July 31
Mary Hake, August 2
CarpeDiem, August 3
Moments, August 5
Henry Happens, August 6
Livin’ Lit, August 6
A Readers Brian, August 7


To celebrate her tour, Alana is giving away a $30 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Thoughts:

This is the second book by this author that I've read, I was drawn in from the first page and couldn't wait to see what would happen next! I loved the small-town Alaska summer setting, I always find it neat to read stories that feature the midnight sun! I loved Lacy and Kurtis, and little Madeline was just so adorable! I loved Lacy's faith journey and it was exactly the message that I needed at this moment in my life. The suspense in this book was great and kept me flipping pages! And I especially adored the ending, it totally made me melt and put the biggest smile on my face! Identity Theft is a quick read that I enjoyed from beginning to end! I am so glad I read Identity Theft and highly recommend it to fans of Christian suspense. I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future! 
(4 Stars!)

I received an ebook copy of this book from the publisher which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Review: Third Hour by Lisa Phillips

5 Stars!
An excellent third installment in this series! I have loved Talia since she first appeared in book one, and I have been eagerly anticipating her story ever since! I was not the slightest bit disappointed! Third Hour was fantastic. I loved every minute! 
And, let me just say Mason was one hunky and totally amazing hero, and he and Talia make such an awesome couple!
I absolutely love how Talia uses her talent and skill with technology to stop criminals and save the day, and I especially loved that the tech speak was written so well that I found it easy to follow and never felt confused about what was going on, even though I am not a computer genius!
The suspense was fabulous, as I have come to expect from Lisa Phillips' books! 
Once again I adored the banter and camaraderie between the members of the Northwest Counter-Terrorism Task Force team and can't wait for the next time I get to hang out with this gang of characters that feel like friends!  
This book was just SOOOO good, I absolutely loved everything about it and cannot wait for the next book in the series! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! You won't want to miss a moment of this action-packed romantic suspense series! 

I received an ebook copy of this book from the publisher which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

No Greater Love by Gina Holder Review & Giveaway!

About the Book

Book: No Greater Love

Author: Gina Holder

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

Release date: April 30, 2019

He said he’d never risk leaving a widow.

She said she’d never love a man in uniform.

Paige McDonald collects antique literature and works at the largest bookstore in Portland, Oregon. When her grandfather, a firefighter, was killed, she vowed never to fall in love with a first responder. An old Bible leads to an unexpected discovery and disrupts everything she knows about herself, her family, and God. Her desire to know the truth sends her to the town of Whitman directly into the radar of Patrol Officer Hamilton Bryant.

After the loss of his best friend and fellow officer, Hamilton vowed never to marry. He won’t risk leaving a widow. Instead, he reserves his passion for serving his family and the town he’s sworn to protect. When a series of robberies and threats against the mayor correspond with Paige’s sudden appearance in Whitman, their paths intersect.

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Author

Gina Holder completed the Long Ridge Writer’s Group “Breaking into Print” course and graduated from Faith Bible Institute. In August 2017, she published her first novel, Whither Shall I Go. She is active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads. Her Website and Blog is found at

She lives in Colorado with her husband and daughter. When she’s not working on her next novel, she enjoys reading, watching movies, singing, and playing the piano and organ.

More from Gina

Fun Facts about No Greater Love (Don’t worry, spoilers weren’t invited to this party.)

  1. I love the smell of coffee, but I don’t like the taste. I asked my coffee-loving friends on social media for their favorite coffee drinks to use in the story.
  2. Tyler, Tony, and Timothy Thorne were modeled after three brothers I saw playing on a beach in Hurgadah, Egypt.
  3. R. Electronics was based on an actual store my husband and I saw in a mall.
  4. When Paige and Hamilton meet, he is looking for a runaway goat. This happened to my husband and me. We were out admiring large mansions, when a police officer pulled up behind us. We thought we were in trouble for loitering. Instead, he asked if we’d seen a goat running around the neighborhood.
  5. Hamilton’s deceased best friend is named after my childhood friend, William Donnelly. Will was a U.S. Marine killed in battle in Afghanistan. Like the character in the story, he got married only two months before his death and was killed on Thanksgiving Day. No Greater Love is dedicated in his memory.
  6. The character Jessie Faye is named after an elderly woman my husband knew while living in Fossil, Oregon.
  7. The diners in the food court scene were written from personal observations at a food court in Colorado Springs.
  8. While Whitman is a fictional town, it is modeled after the real town of Enterprise, Oregon, at the foot of the Wallowa Mountains.
  9. Several locations in the book are real establishments in Enterprise, including Heavenly’s Restaurant, the Espresso and Car Wash, El Bajios, and the Bowlby stone courthouse.
  10. There are several beloved pets in No Greater Love, including a parrot named Gerald, a Persian cat named Delilah, and a labradoodle named Bruce. All the pets have names except for Aunt Hattie’s Dalmatians.
  11. Paige McDonald works at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon when the story opens. Powell’s lays claim to the status of the “largest independent used and new bookstore in the world.”
  12. Portland is the fifth city in America with the most coffee shops per capita.
  13. The statistics for the Whitman school—100% graduation rate and a 1:13 student-teacher ratio is not fictional. They are the actual statistics of the Enterprise High School.
  14. Behind the cash registers at Powell’s, there is a fake dictionary definition—“Smell bound: held as if under the spell by the scent of books.” This is the inspiration behind the opening scene of No Greater Love. The word, Bibliosmia, means the smell of old books.

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Gina is giving away a grand prize of a signed paperback copy of No Greater Love and Whither Shall I Go plus a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Thoughts:

This was a new-to-me-author and as soon as I read the description I knew this book would be right up my alley, and it absolutely was! As soon as I read the first chapter I knew I would love this book! I immediately liked Paige and hated to stop reading because I had to know what would happen next in her story! No Greater Love is an absolutely awesome book, it has suspense, romance, and a soul-stirring faith journey that is a fabulous reminder of God's incredible, unconditional love for each one of us and the truly amazing grace Jesus offers even though none of us deserve it. I know the beautiful faith story in this book will touch your heart as deeply as it did mine! I loved how many layers and surprises there were in this book, it was so exciting every time a new twist was revealed, and I will admit that I actually didn't guess the identity of one of the villains, which rarely happens because I read a ton of suspense books and I love to play armchair detective, so brava Gina Holder for taking me by surprise! 
The suspense in this book was awesome and totally kept me turning pages! I also loved the moments of humor that the author included! 
The characters were quirky and delightful and felt like friends to me. I especially loved our hero Officer Hamilton Bryant, not only was he a total hunk, I loved his strong faith, and I really appreciated that even though he cared for Paige and was definitely attracted to her he knew better than to begin a relationship with her when she was not yet a believer, and chose to pray for her and place any potential relationship in God's hands! Oh, and his grand gesture at the end of the book was super AWESOME, and totally romance movie worthy! 
I absolutely loved No Greater Love and highly recommend it, it most definitely has a spot on my keeper shelf! I see that this is the first book in a new series, and I don't know whether the next book will also be about Paige and Hamilton or if it will be populated by other main characters, but either way I am eagerly anticipating my next visit to Whitman, Oregon! 
(5 Stars!)

I received a copy of this book through the CelebrateLit Team. Which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

📚PRE-ORDER ALERT: With You Here by Sarah Monzon

Hey, Friends! Look what is available for pre-order!!! I adore Sarah Monzon's books and I am super excited to read this one, it's one of my Most Anticipated releases of the year! Be sure to pre-order your copy, it is sure to be a fantabulous read! ❤️😍😍❤️

About the Book

Holy Roman Empire, 1527
In the wake of Martin Luther’s religious reforms, Princess Christyne von Heidelbraum is compelled by her sense of duty to help ease the burden of her people. When she stumbles upon a dying man in the woods, she vows to aid him—even when she discovers the arrow shot in his back was put there by a heretic hunter. With both her physical and spiritual well-being in danger, she must choose between conscience or adhering to the laws of the Empire. 

Present Day
Doubting her calling to become a hospital chaplain, Amber Carrington takes time off from her theology studies to volunteer with refugees in Germany. Working with children, making a difference, reconnecting with the conviction that once drove her—these were her expectations. An instant attraction to a professional soccer player wasn’t a part of the plan…and she can’t let him distract her from her purpose.
As a new Christian, Seth Marshall is determined to put his popularity as a world-renowned footballer to good use. Unfortunately, old habits and public opinions are hard to overcome. When he falls hard and fast for Amber Carrington, his former life—and her no-dating policy—may block his perfect shot for the woman he loves.

Click here to pre-order your copy!

About the Author

A Carol award finalist and Selah award winner, Sarah Monzon is a stay-at-home mom and Navy chaplain's wife who makes up imaginary friends to have adult conversations with (otherwise known as writing novels). She resides wherever the military happens to station her family and enjoys exploring the beauty of the world around her.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Risking Love by Toni Shiloh Review & Giveaway!

About the Book

Book: Risking Love

Author: Toni Shiloh

Genre: Christian fiction, contemporary fiction, diverse fiction

Release date: June 25, 2019

Nikki Gordon lives with a perfect trifecta of noes. No guys. No dates. No way.

The past holds her bound with ropes made of fear-infused steel, and she’s determined that no one will ever cut through them. If only her heart would cooperate whenever Shorty comes around. Things go from complicated to confusing when he appears at The Maple Pit in the company of another woman—a drop-dead gorgeous one at that.

With everything to lose and to gain, Nikki steps out in faith and prays for the courage to let him in… before it’s too late.

Gregory “Shorty” Smalls finally has the chance to take his burgeoning business to the next level. Then maybe, Nikki will quit seeing him as a goof-off and give him a real chance.

Finding out he isn’t the problem? The best and worst news possible.

Just how much healing has to take place before he has a chance to move from friend zone to love of her life?

And does he even have a chance?

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Author

Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom, and Christian fiction writer. Once she understood the powerful saving grace thanks to the love of Christ, she was moved to honor her Savior. She writes to bring Him glory and to learn more about His goodness.

She spends her days hanging out with her husband and their two boys in northern Virginia. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and the Virginia Chapter. You can find more information at

More from Toni

Risking Love has been a long time in coming. You see when I wrote Buying Love, book one in the Maple Run series, I had only intended for it to be a standalone. But soon the other characters clamored for attention and you, the readers, sent me messages asking for Shorty and Nikki’s story.

Like any good writer, I sat in front of my laptop prepared to whip out their story in the speed in which I wrote Buying Love. Yeah, it did NOT go as I anticipated. You see, Shorty and Nikki refused to talk to me. They wouldn’t answer my questions about their past, about how it affected them. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

So I wrote book two, Finding Love, featuring Luke and Delaney. They were more than willing to share their heart. I fully intended to then make Shorty and Nikki’s story book three. I figured they’d had enough appearances through book two that they were fully ready to reveal all to me and let me write their story.


As you know, if you’ve been reading chronologically through the series, book three is about Belle and Micah. They spoke with me freely. I just couldn’t understand why Shorty and Nikki wouldn’t be so candid. Fortunately, while writing Belle and Micah’s story, Nikki began to speak. Then Shorty spoke, and I knew I’d finally be able to write their story.

Y’all, writing Risking Love was tough! They fought me at every turn. I can’t recall how many times I complained about them. Thank goodness my critique partners had patience with me as I fought for every word in this story. And now that their story is out in the world, I’m wrecked with nerves. Will they live up to your anticipation? Will the story truly show how tenuous the relationship between these two are?

As you began to read Risking Love, I pray it blesses you. Whether you’re reading strictly for entertainment or seeking God’s greater truth, I pray you experience those things. And more than that, I thank you for picking up their book and joining me once more in Maple Run. It’s been a blessing as I return to tell the stories in this fictional Virginia town.


Toni Shiloh

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Toni is giving a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a finished copy of Risking Love!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Thoughts:

WOW! How do I even begin to express how much I love this book? Toni Shiloh is one of my favorite authors and I eagerly anticipate everything she writes! I have been dying to read Nikki and Shorty's story ever since book 1 in the Maple Run series, and oh my word it was SO worth the wait! 
Reading one of Toni's books feels like relaxing on a porch swing on a summer day or snuggling under your favorite cozy blanket on a chilly fall evening, she sweeps you into her story from the first word and you can't stop reading because you feel so at home there! 
I already knew and loved Shorty and Nikki before starting this book, but I got to know them so much better and felt like I became even closer friends with them throughout their story. And I fell completely, 100%, head over heels in love with Shorty, he is such an incredibly sweet, funny, caring, thoughtful, honorable, and humble man of God that he continuously had me melting into a puddle at the amazing way he treated Nikki and all the beautiful things he did for her! 
I adore this small fictional town of Maple Run, Virginia and it was an absolute joy to get to hang out there once again and catch up with all the characters from previous books in the series and see what was going on in their lives. This book tied up all the threads of their stories in a beautiful way, and even though I hated to say goodbye to the whole gang in Maple Run, I was delighted to leave them all living out their own happily ever afters! 
The faith story was one of my favorite parts of this book, it was amazing and I know God will use it to touch numerous lives and hearts!
loved every single moment of this book and HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!
If you are a fan of Christian contemporary romance this series is a must read! You will not be sorry! 
Risking Love is definitely one for the keeper shelf and I anticipate rereading it many times in the future! 
(5 Stars!)

I received an ebook copy of this book from the publisher which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.