Welcome to the Blog Tour for Northshire Heritage series by JP Robinson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Title: In the Shadow of Your Wings
Series: Northshire Heritage #1
Author: JP Robinson
Publisher: Logos Publications, LLC
Release Date: November 6, 2018
Genre: Christian Historical Suspense
The shadow of the Great War looms over Europe, affecting everyone in its path.
Leila Durand, an elite German spy charged with infiltrating the home of British icon Thomas Steele, sees the war as a chance to move beyond the pain of her shattered past. But everything changes when she falls in love with Thomas's son, Malcolm. Is there a way to reconcile her love for Germany and her love for the enemy?PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | IndieBound | Christianbook | BookBub

Title: In the Midst of the Flames
Series: Northshire Heritage #2
Author: JP Robinson
Publisher: Logos Publications, LLC
Release Date: November 8, 2019
Genre: Christian Historical Suspense
Divided by a lie. Haunted by the past. Bonded by their love.
As the fires of the Great War rage across the European continent, the Steele family is caught in the midst of the inferno.PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | IndieBound | Christianbook | BookBub

Title: In the Dead of Night
Series: Northshire Heritage #3
Author: JP Robinson
Publisher: Logos Publications, LLC
Release Date: March 9, 2021
Genre: Christian Historical Suspense
The smallest flame can conquer the darkest night
Darkness gathers in the final days of the Great War as the Germans plot to unleash a weapon that will plunge the Allied world into obscurity.PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | IndieBound | BookBub
In the Shadow of Your Wings
Leila slipped her shoes back on, held her breath to still her racing heart, then plastered on a sedate smile. “Oh, there you are darling!” She minced toward him, eyes wide. “So, did you conquer the old dragon?”
He caught sight of her and paused, standing before the three paintings of his ancestors. His face was worn, creased by lines that hadn’t been there only a few minutes earlier. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
“Malcolm?” Her voice quavered. “Malcolm, what is it?” His eyes had never been so dull. Whatever had happened in that room seemed to have sucked the life out of his blood.
“We… we have to leave, Leila. Now.”
Her blood ran cold. “He’s done it, hasn’t he? He’s disinherited you.”
Malcolm nodded, averting his eyes. “He’s kicked me out of my home.”
“It’s my fault.” Leila touched his chest as guilt washed over her. “Malcolm, I’m to blame. Were it not for me…”
He stepped closer and cupped her cheek with his hand.
“No, Leila.” His blue eyes roamed over her face. “I made my choice. I love you.”
Tears stung the back of her eyelids and she looked away. What have I done? If he only knew the truth…
“You don’t understand.”
“Shh...” He pressed her to him and she listened to the rhythm of his heart. She had been sent to use him, not fall in love with him. But she did love him. And he loved her enough to walk away from his father and all that he knew—for her.
She took his hand. “Leave me Malcolm. Only your father knows about our marriage. Tell him you’re sorry and you’ve made a mistake. Tell him—”
He crushed her lips against his own. For a long moment, he just held her, ignoring the tears that slipped down her cheeks. At length, he pulled away. “That’s a no, in case you were wondering.” A faint smile touched his lips as he fingered a few strands of her blonde hair.
She hesitated, her heart splitting with guilt and concern. “I have a flat in London,” she said. “We’ll go there and sort out what we’ll do next.”
In the Midst of the Flames
"Malcolm rolled onto his back, folded his hands behind his head, and stared up at the brothel’s ceiling. So, Leila, I’ve kept my word.
His mind flitted to the last time he had seen his wife. After hearing about the severity of his wounds, Leila had travelled with his father, Thomas Steele, to visit him at a hospital at Etaples. The reunion had been anything but happy.
Malcom’s lips curled back in a sneer. At that fateful encounter, Leila had revealed that she was a former German spy, recruited by Abteilung 3B to elicit secrets from the son of Sir Thomas Steele. As a personal friend to both the Prime Minister of England and the head of British Intelligence, Thomas was too tempting a target for Germany to ignore.
And I was the gullible errand boy.
He slammed his eyelids shut. Eight months after he had learned the truth, he was still unsure of what hurt worse—the fact that he had just been a necessary tool to get to Thomas, or the fact that Leila had deceived him at all.
With a groan, Malcolm buried his face in his sweaty palms. After learning of their marriage, Thomas had banished the pair from his home at Northshire. Too late, Malcolm had discovered a duplicitous side to his golden-haired beauty. Furious at her betrayal, he had fled to the Front where the battles were physical and not of the heart.
Leila betrayed me. She deserves no better.
Why then did he feel sick with shame?"
In the Dead of the Night
"Bending down, Leila scooped her son into a protective embrace and kissed the fuzz on top of his head. His tufts of hair were a mixture of her own mane of gold and Malcolm’s shaggy brown, but his eyes were the same shade of green as her own.
He’s perfect, Malcolm. I want you to see him. To hold him. To love him as I love him.
Leila let out a deep sigh. “Did I make a mistake, Jenny? Am I wrong to love Malcolm as I do?” Life was complicated. God had forgiven her past, but it seemed that those made in His image would not. One mistake had spawned a litany of consequences that she couldn’t outrun no matter how hard she tried.
Leila rubbed her cheek against the soft top of her son’s head, savoring the fragrant mixture of life, hope, and new beginnings. She would not—could not—allow him to pay for her sins. Which had led her to this point.
“Against all odds, I became a mother. Against all odds, I’ll ensure my son has a future.” “What will you do?” Jenny took a step back as though she feared the next words that would leave her mistress’s lips.
Lifting her chin, Leila met her gaze. “Change everything.”

(1) winner will receive a Grand Prize of a signed complete set of the Northshire Heritage series (all three books)
PLUS (5) additional winners of digital copies of the complete Northshire Heritage set (PDFs)!
Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight July 26, 2021 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on August 2, 2021. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Print copy US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.
Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.
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