
Sunday, May 14, 2017

5 Year Blogoversary giveaway!

First off, Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there! 

Second, I can't believe it has been five years today since I wrote my first ever blog post, it has been such a crazy and wonderful ride since then. In the last five years I've read a few hundred amazing books, made so many wonderful blogging friends, and by the Grace of God have managed to publish two novellas of my own! Thank you so much to everyone reading this post, I am incredibly grateful to all of you for helping me reach this milestone! In celebration of my fifth blogoversary I am giving away a copy of my latest Christian suspense novella, Deadly Obsession, ebook (PDF, Kindle or EPub) OR Audible download, winner's choice! 

Here is the blurb for Deadly Obsession: As a teenage FBI agent Kennedy Stevens has put her life on the line numerous times in order to catch criminals. She believes it's her purpose in life, but every time she helps to put one predator away it seems that ten more are waiting to take their place. Kennedy has pretty much seen it all in her life on the job  but past events in her personal life have caused her to turn her back on God and the faith she grew up with. Kennedy is used to people trying to kill her, it's all part of the job, however when someone begins stalking her, things get personal. Will Kennedy allow the world to make her bitter? Or will she give it all to God? Will a killer's Deadly Obsession with Kennedy prove fatal? Find out in this breath taking new inspirational suspense novella from author Caitlyn Santi.

If this sounds like something you're interested in then just leave a comment answering the following question to enter.

What is your favorite thing about suspense stories? Or if you don't like suspense, what is your favorite genre to read and what do you like best about that genre? 

The giveaway will run through MAY 21st, it is open internationally and please be sure to include your email address (in a spam free format if you wish) in your comment so I can contact you if you win!

Thank you so much for stopping by and God bless you all, Caitlyn Santi


  1. I have always love reading mysteries. They are the type of book that keeps me going back for more.

  2. Congrats on 5 years, Caitlyn!!! *no need to enter me in the giveaway, as I already own the book.
