
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Monthly Reflections #6


My goal for November was to read 10 books. Last month ended up being a lot busier than I thought it would be and I was in a bit of a reading slump so I only managed to read 5 books! But I loved all of them and I'm happy that I was able to get that many books read!

The books I read:

1. The Pawn by Steven James

2. Prince Incognito by Rachelle McCalla

3. Grave Consequences by Lisa Tawn Bergren

4. The Rook by Steven James

5. A Necessary Deception by Laurie Alice Eakes

Favorite read of November: While I loved all five of these books, my favorites were by farThe Pawn and The Rook. Such amazing suspense books! I can now officially say that the Patrick Bowers series is one of my favorite series and Steven James is one of my favorite authors! Thanks so much to my blogging friend Melanie for recommending Steven James' books to me!!! :D

Goal for December:
In December my goal is to read 15 books. I've signed up for the End Of The Year Read-A-Thon and my goal is to read ten books during the read-a-thon, a big goal but I've got several novellas and shorter novels on my list for the read-a-thon so I'm hoping I can achieve that goal!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Great reads this month, Caitlyn!! So glad you're now a fan of the Patrick Bowers' series! :) Hope you reach your goals this month! :)
