
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bout of Books 15 Day Four Challenge!

Villain Mash Up Challenge

Here are the rules for the challenge:

Pick villains from two different books that you would love to see fight each other. It can be from any genre and it doesn't even have to be a physical fight. It could be a verbal one as well.
Give a short reason why you think these villains should fight each other

It took me a while to come up with a pairing for this challenge but I finally decided on Creighton from The Rook by Steven James versus Jane from
The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. Yes, I'm aware that these are two completely different genres. Jane possesses an ability to incapacitate the one victim she is focusing on by putting them in  excruciating pain, Creighton has a physical condition that makes him unable to feel physical pain, in fact the ability to feel pain is actually one of his goals in life. Since Jane's ability is mental (She does it without ever touching her victim) I wonder whether Creighton would be affected by it. I have no idea who would win in this fight but it would be interesting to see who would win in a fight between a completely evil human versus a completely evil vampire.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh that's a good one! I wonder who WOULD win the fight.
