
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Top Ten Favorite Fictional Families!

Top Ten Tuesday is a Weekly Meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1. The McKenna's from the Alasakan Courage series by Dani Pettrey -This family of close-knit siblings is just totally amazing!-

2. The Taylor's from The Guardians of Justice series by Irene Hannon -These siblings are the reason why their books are my favorites by Irene Hannon!-

3. The Archer's from Short Straw Bride, Stealing the Preacher, and A Comboy Unmatched by Karen Witemeyer

4. The Porter's from Undeniably Yours and Meant to be Mine by Becky Wade

5. The Christiansen's from The Christiansen Family Series by Susan May Warren

6. The Cash's from The Women of Justice series by Lynette Eason

7. The Rossi's from the Weddings by Bella series by Janice Thompson

8. The Lane's from The Culper Ring series by Roseanna M. White

9. The Betarrini's and...

10. The Forelli's from the River of Time Series by Lisa T. Bergren -Because no list of favorite fictional families would be complete without these two amazing families from my all time favorite series!-

Thanks for checking out my favorite fictional families, what are some of your favorite fictional families?

1 comment:

  1. Great topic Cairlyn! I love almost all of these families too! I may have to use this topic in the future!
